Sunday, October 05, 2008

seasons are a changing.... so can we?

I was reading on another blogger's site about the changing of seasons and reflecting on our life. It made me think...
We are heading into the fall season and the leaves have begun to change their colors, the air has become crisper and cooler , unlike the warmth of the humid air that had been there just a few weeks back. Folks change their wardrobes and tend to do focus more on getting prepared for winter. We, just like the trees and all of nature automatically do those things we need to in preparation for the change ahead. So why not work on those changes we need to make in our personal lives?
Take a self reflection moment:

What kind of color is my life reflecting to others around me?

Am I like that strong, stubborn leaf that just does not want to give up it's green hues and fails to change into the beautiful autumn colors that would allow them to be a part of nature's beauty for all of us to enjoy.
Lord, open our hearts to the changes you may want to make in my life this season. May I be open to the wind of your spirit that can show me where you want me and what you want me to do. Just as the cold air signifies winter's approach, so may your Spirit signify the approach of a changed and growing Christian who is open to all that God wants to do in and through me.
Side Note: The picture above was taken outside of our local high school. I had just attended a kick off breakfast for our United Way Day of Caring Food Drive. It was looked like it had to be picture with the old looking light fixtures and the leaves just beginning to change. Sept. 2008


Kathy Schwanke said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog. I would love to visit Salem! I wanted to go south a bit from boston when we were there, but time didn't permit. Hopefully we'll be back sometime soon.


jubilee said...

I love your blog background. So fresh and unique from other blogs that I've visited lately.

Your prayer is right on. Such a good analogy.

Tea with Tiffany said...

I think a lot about seasons of the heart.

Great thought here.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful analogy. As Christians we should always be in times of transition as He desires to move us from glory to glory.
I don't want to be a stubbourn leaf either, I'd rather be whatever colour He desires.

