God has been doing some exciting things in my life. Singing has always been a desire and interest of mine, it's something I can't do with out. Like breathing and JESUS--can't do without them!! Some of the ladies from a women's bible study I was attending were praying for me and felt I needed to get back into the music ministry. Within a week, I was asked to join my church's worship team and have been singing away!! THANK you Lord! I love to sing and love to sing of my Lord and Savior!
Another thing that I believe God has been blessing me with is interest in my jewelry. I've toyed with the idea of selling it, but never really thought there would be interest. Over the Christmas season, I had a lot of interest and ended up selling a few pieces and could have sold more. (but needed to give most of it away as presents) So we shall see where this blessing will go...
I am so excited to see what God is doing and trust and pray I continue to seek Him and grow in His Love . I was reading a friend's blog
this morning ~God,my family and me blog ~ (check her out), and she quoted Corrie ten boom
"You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have"
Corrie was imprisoned in a concentration camp with her sister and went through unbearable challenges and yet was always strong in her FAITH in Christ and that faith helped her in her courageous battle with the terrible infirmities that beset her. For her I am sure she felt she only had CHRIST while imprisoned. I think of myself, I have so many good things in my life and I have CHRIST. Lord, help me to learn that all I really need is YOU!
Hope to get some pics on here of my holiday and if I can some of my jewelry bargains. I'm having some camera issues, but I have to share.. May God bless my blogging friends today!
Great! I read your blog with a smile!
Hi Debbie -- Bead Soup sign ups at Jan 7-9 at www.PrettyThingsBlog.com!
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