Saturday, October 18, 2008

<<<< blown away >>>>>

A friend said something today that gave me such a wonderful visual I just had to share...

"I may have been blown out of the water...but I landed in the arms of my Jesus. "

Wow, what an awesome thought that when we may be down or perhaps devasted, we can land in our heavenly father's arms. For us single gals, it is even more comforting to know that there is someone there to hear our cries and calm our fears. Yes, I have always known and trusted that the Lord was and is always there for me.. But never have I visualized it this way!! Do you get the picture here, not only is He there but He's holding me. He's my support, my uplifter, my "get you through this" person. Thank you Lord!!

Perhaps you are going through something today or you may have a friend that is struggling. Give them the encouragement that the Lord can be their comfort and support in their time of need!

Isaiah 40:11 Pictures, Images and Photos

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